Archery For Beginners
Archery is one of humanity's oldest activities dating back over 10,000 years. In every culture across the globe, you will find archery in some shape or form.
Here you will find the basic knowledge to ensure you will not strain any muscles or injure yourself from shooting. This is only meant to be a starting point.
As you progress on your journey, you may find other shooting techniques that are better suited for you. Use any methods that can help you be more consistent with your shot.
Lastly, if you are left-handed, simply reverse any mention of "right" to "left", and any mention of "left" to "right.
In the square stance, place both feet shoulder-width apart and on both sides of the shooting line. Have your left foot leading the right foot and perpendicular to the target.
In the open stance, take a half-step backward with the left foot and point it slightly towards the target. This is best when standing on uneven ground.
Holding the arrow in your right hand, place it on the arrow rest on the left side of your bow. Position the arrow with the index fletching facing away from the bow. Push the arrow's nock into the bowstring, in between the finger guides.

The most common way to hook the bow string is using the Mediterranean Draw. Using three fingers, place the index finger on the upper finger guards and the other two fingers on the lower finger guards. It's to hook the string with the first joints of the fingers.
Avoid gripping the string with your fist or pinching the arrow, as shown below.

Grip the bow so that the handle rests on the large padded surface between your palm and thumb. The idea is to push the bow in place, rather than gripping it tight in position.A good indicator you are holding the bow correctly is if your knuckles create a 45-degree angle to the center line of the bow.
Gripping the bow correctly is important for proper rotation of the arm. Gripping too tightly will rotate your forearm in-line with the bow string, which will hurt if you're not wearing an arm guard.
If your arm is properly rotated, your elbow will point away from you and your forearm will clear the string.
Prepare your shot by bringing the left arm to shoulder height and hooking the bowstring.
When you pull the arrow back, you want to pull with your right elbow high and in-line with the arrow.
Drawing the bow is best done with the back muscles. Imagine squeezing your shoulder blades together. Using only your arms will tire you out.

Anchoring the string is a method to ensure that each shot is consistent. There are a couple common anchor points on your face that you can use.
You can draw the string until it touches a certain point on your nose.
You can draw the string until your index finger touches the corner of your mouth.
Aim the arrow by looking past the top point of the foam arrowhead to the target. Take notice of where the shot lands and adjust accordingly in your next shot. Consistency is the key.
Releasing the arrow should be slow and smooth. Relax your right hand and move it back slightly until the bow string slips out of your fingers.
After releasing the string, follow through with your shot by continuing to relax your hand until it hangs by your ear.
The bow will naturally tilt forward a little bit during the follow through.